Understanding Swiss Taxes

Clear explanations and practical insights for navigating the Swiss tax system.

Company Taxation System in Switzerland

Switzerland is so attractive for many companies because corporate taxes are very low compared to many other countries. Read about the basics of corporate taxation in Switzerland.

Tax on Worldwide Income and Worldwide Wealth

If you are a Swiss citizen or a foreigner with tax residence in Switzerland and have income from abroad and/or assets abroad, you must declare them in your Swiss income tax return.

Taxation of Cryptocurrencies and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Activities

If the cryptocurrency hype has also left its mark on you and you have invested in Bitcoin and Co., sooner or later you will inevitably have to ask yourself how to declare the digital currencies in your tax return.

Tax Exemption of Capital Gains – Are You a Professional Investor?

In this article, we explain to you what you need to bear in mind as a private investor so that you don’t get a nasty surprise in the form of a hefty additional payment after submitting your tax return.

How Do I Claim My Swiss Anticipatory Tax Back?

In this article, we explain everything you need to know about anticipatory tax and how to reclaim it.

What Is Withholding Tax in Switzerland?

We explain what you need to know about “withholding tax”, who has to pay it and how the tax reform in 2021 will affect withholding tax in the future. 

Expat Tax Benefits

In this article, we explain what the special “expat” status is all about, how an expat differs from other employees in Switzerland, and what benefits you can derive from it if you also belong to this group. 

Moving to Switzerland – Tax Implications of Weekly Commuters

If you work in Switzerland as a foreigner, you will have different tax obligations depending on your situation.

FAQ Work in Switzerland – Employer Abroad

We answer the most frequently asked questions and give a brief overview of the situation if you work in Switzerland but your employer is based abroad.

ANobAG vs Payroll Company

If you live in Switzerland and work for an employer who does not have a place of business in Switzerland, the employment relationship is subject to a number of peculiarities.

Company Incorporation

In contrast to other countries, setting up a company in Switzerland is very easy, because the effort and the official procedures are kept within limits.

Contractor or ANobAG

We regularly receive inquiries from people who have recently moved to Switzerland and are now wondering whether they can continue to work with one or more clients abroad.